
Below is a list of links to websites that provide some great information on a variety of topics related to veterinary medicine and pet health care.

Getting a new pet

Whether it be a dog or a cat, it is a new, exciting, and sometimes daunting task. Below are some websites to give you the best chance to make the right choice for you and/or your family.


Dog Breeds


A parents resource for raising happy kids with healthy pets


Keeping your “family member” healthy

Keeping your “family member” healthy is another important aspect.


Dog and Cat Care


Periodontal Disease Control, Treatment, & Prevention


Information on control and prevention of parasites


Information on heartworm disease and prevention


Find toxic/non-toxic plants; information for poison-related emergencies (not a replacement for veterinary care)


All natural dog and cat food for all life stages


Veterinary Oral Health Council

Disaster Preparedness Plans

More information on disaster preparedness plans.



Veterinary Medicine

For more information on veterinary medicine.


Texas Veterinary Medical Association

Pet Insurance

More information on pet insurance.


The websites or links listed are not directly associated with Animal Clinic at Mission Square. Thus we assume no responsibility, offer no warranties, and not be liable for damages to any person or pet for information or statements acquired through any or all of the links listed. Any advice or medical information found on these sites does not replace professional veterinary care. Any medical condition should be examined by a trained, licensed veterinary medicine doctor before any medical decisions are decided and/or implemented.